Contact + FAQs

Welcome to the Alt-Bionics Contact and FAQ page! Here you'll be find answers to the most common questions about our innovative bionic hands for prosthetics and humanoid robots. If your questions are not answered here, please fill out our contact form at the bottom of the page and we'll add it to the FAQ list with an answer.

When will your hands be available for purchase?

Our prosthetic hand, the Genesis Hand, is scheduled for release later this year. The robotics hand is planned for release in early 2025. Stay tuned for updates on exact availability dates.

How can I purchase the Genesis Hand or the robotics hand?

You can inquire about our products directly through our website by filling out the waitlist form or through authorized distributors. Detailed purchasing information will be available upon release. If you are interested in purchasing immediately, please join the waitlist, select which product you’re interested in, your intended use for the hand(s), and when you need them by.

Are your bionic hands covered by insurance?

Yes, our prosthetic hands will be classified under specific reimbursement (PDAC) codes, making them eligible for coverage under Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance plans.

What is the problem your company will solve?

Alt-Bionics is positioned to solve a significant problem in both the prosthetics and humanoid robotics sectors. The company’s dual focus on advanced bionic hands for amputees and humanoid robots places it at the forefront of a unique market challenge.

For the Prosthetics Sector: The primary problem Alt-Bionics addresses is enhancing the quality of life for amputees through advanced and accessible bionic hands. By innovating in this field, Alt-Bionics aims to provide amputees with more functional, affordable, and life-like prosthetic solutions.

For the Humanoid Robotics Sector: In humanoid robotics, Alt-Bionics addresses the challenge of developing complex, anthropomorphic bionic hands at a cost that makes humanoid robots accessible and viable for mass adoption. The current high cost of producing advanced bionic hands in-house by robotics companies poses a barrier to achieving an overall price point for humanoid robots that is competitive and sustainable. Alt-Bionics steps in as a specialized provider, offering state-of-the-art bionic hands that can significantly reduce the cost and complexity for these companies, expediting their market entry and ensuring a favorable return on investment.

What is the mission and vision of your company?

Mission of Alt-Bionics: To revolutionize the field of prosthetics and humanoid robotics by providing advanced and accessible bionic hands, enhancing the quality of life for amputees and advancing the capabilities and range of application of humanoid robots.

Vision of Alt-Bionics: To be a global leader in bionic technology, driving innovation and accessibility in prosthetics and humanoid robotics, and to create a world where advanced bionic solutions are within reach of everyone who needs them, transforming the way we interact with technology and each other.

Contact Us

We hope most of your questions were answered by the above FAQs, but if not, please feel free to send us a message here!
We appreciate your interest in our company and would love to connect with you. We will get back to you ASAP.